Présentation de l'Abonné+

Introducing Subscriber+

Hé les gars, c'est Ciara !

Nous souhaitons récompenser les personnes qui utilisent nos produits plus que toute autre marque sur la planète, c'est pourquoi nous travaillons à améliorer notre offre d'abonnement !

À partir d'aujourd'hui, vous bénéficierez de 15 % de réduction lorsque vous vous abonnez à vos bouteilles ou recharges de lessive préférées ! C'est plus du double de l'économie que nous proposions auparavant.

Dans un avenir proche, nous ajouterons encore plus d'avantages aux abonnés, notamment 20 % de points de lavage fréquents supplémentaires que vous pourrez échanger contre des produits/réductions gratuits, des testeurs d'échantillons et des accessoires d'édition limitée.

Nous comptons déjà plus de 4 000 abonnés mensuels incroyables, nous veillerons donc à ce que ces nouveaux avantages soient antidatés pour vous remercier de votre fidélité à la marque ! Ce nouveau projet visant à faire de notre service d'abonnement le meilleur du secteur s'appelle Subscriber+.

Si vous avez des idées sur la façon dont nous pouvons faire en sorte que ce soit le meilleur possible pour vous, faites-le-nous savoir dans les commentaires et nous vous tiendrons au courant des mises à jour !

Meilleurs vœux,


24 commentaires

Linda Boomer

Linda Boomer

We need more of a difference between the shampoo/conditioner bottles please. The writing is so pale& small that I can hardly see it. It is irritating that I cant just reach for the correct bottle without scrutinizing the writing at close quarters. I use the one touch rule in the kitchen/laundry area. expect to touch a regularly used item only once. The smell of Oud is amaxing btw. Thank you.

Sally Edwards

Sally Edwards

Rewards for current subscribers!!!
Free samples in with monthly delivery.
Lots to entice new customers,but good to thank current ones!?

Christina Dowds-Dillon

Christina Dowds-Dillon

Would would an antibacterial fresh sent for gym clothes x

Marjorie Addison

Marjorie Addison

Hi, we recently bought the trial samples and steadily working our way through them. My husband, who I’m pretty sure doesn’t know how to work our washing machine loved the Odysey one so much he asked me to buy some for him to take back to work (he works away for 2 weeks of the month) – you could have knocked me down with a feather! I’ve ordered it for him but my suggestion is could we buy a bundle of the trial sachets but all of the one type? It would be so much easier for him to open one and stick it in and I’ll know he isn’t wasting the product! On a practical level it would save carting around bottles but also could be used for people going on holiday etc where they might only use a machine once.

The other thing is when hanging outside the smell completely changed – this was the coconut one – it went from being really lovely to something not quite so good!

Thanks for the great product – once we’ve been through the samples we’ll decide which to buy.

Emma Jackson

Emma Jackson

Hi, I have a subscription for my shampoo and conditioner bars from gruum, they give you free delivery with all subscriptions. I think this would encourage more people to sign up for a subscription, it would definitely encourage me. I would just like to say I absolutely love your products, the scents are amazing and as someone who has extremely sensitive eczema prone skin I have never used a laundry product before that has had absolutely no adverse effect on my skin. Thank you .

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