El aroma se encuentra con la ciencia

Scent meets Science

6 de febrero de 2024


La Química Limpia sigue siendo la filosofía que sustenta todo lo que hacemos. Por eso creemos que es importante que todos sepan más sobre las fórmulas que contienen nuestros productos para que puedan comprar con confianza en Tallow + Ash. Aquí hay un poco sobre la ciencia detrás de nuestros aromas:


No biológico

Nuestro champú para ropa no contiene enzimas, lo que significa que es más respetuoso con la piel sensible.


Vegano + Libre de crueldad animal

Nuestras fórmulas nunca han sido (y nunca serán) probadas en animales y contienen químicos biodegradables que no son dañinos para la vida acuática.


Sin colorantes

No utilizamos colorantes, fosfatos ni ftalatos, lo que significa que nuestros productos no son perjudiciales para nuestras vías fluviales.


Formulado por químicos del Reino Unido

A diferencia de algunas de las principales marcas de lavandería, trabajamos junto con químicos del Reino Unido para crear nuestras fórmulas, lo que garantiza que mantenemos el control de calidad.


Equilibramos la química respetuosa con el planeta con una limpieza eficaz.

4 comentarios

Amy Moncrieff

Amy Moncrieff

I have a question id like to ask? Your website says that you use biodegradable plant based chemicals that aren’t toxic and which aren’t harmful to aquatic life yet on the back of your fabric spray bottles it states the warning ‘due to bacteria and virus killing ingredients:harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects’.
I love your products and have just placed my first big order after buying your tester bundle. This included the new fabric spray. I am unsure which of these it is? Will this spray be safe around our pets?
Many thanks



I completely agree with Louise. I’m always on the lookout for affordable, healthier alternatives. I haven’t used perfume in the last five years to reduce toxins. We only buy fabric softener because my partner basically begs for it. I still prefer vinegar and essential oils. Could you please create a more detailed post or reel to explain exactly how it’s better in terms of chemicals compared to an average detergent? Beyond the nicer packaging and branding? Many thanks!

Kim ruck

Kim ruck

Just want to say just recieved my order of all your full sized liquids. Love them. Love smells. Can’t wait to wash everything now xxx

Louise Barnett

Louise Barnett

Hi -I bought your entire range on the basis of your advice that it is a clean product. However I have just been advised that anionic and cationic surfectants are descriptors that can hide a multitude of undesirable ingredients that don’t have to be legally declared, as is ‘perfumes’. I’m keen to continue using the lovely products but am worried it’s a bit too good to be true? I can’t see a rating on Think dirty for example. Can you advise on both the fragrance and cleaning aspects as to whether they are really clean?
Thanks in advance.

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