We've got a solution for you...

We've got a solution for you...

15 December 2023 

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Hey guys! Ciara here. If getting into your bottles has been breaking your nails and driving you crazy, all that’s about to change. Our formulas are guaranteed to arrive fresh because of how secure the pull tab is, but it’s just a little to secure... (video below for tips on breaking and entering if you need it)! 





If you order online, we want to make sure the products don’t leak in transit, so we have been working on a few solutions to change the pull-tab design, whilst also making the lid and spout even better to use.

Check out the ideas below and let us know if you have any thoughts - Solution 03 is our favourite as it keeps the pouring spout! We have also been testing a foil heat seal to make sure it’s super secure but is much easier to open (like what you’d get on a milk bottle). 


We'll keep you posted with the final designs, but thank you so much for flagging and helping make the products even better for you! 




Judith Waring

Judith Waring

I like all of the solutions from what I can see and I don’t mind which you go for as long as
1 – they don’t leak in transit which will keep you, me, and Royal Mail happy :-)
2 – they are easy to operate and don’t include difficult to open lids. I dread to think if anyone elderly had ordered from you as they just would not have had the strength to open them, and I really struggled myself. It’s not just young people you are selling to, don’t forget older people too please !

Cindy Cochrane

Cindy Cochrane

I’d go for option B :) thank you x

Amanda Poole

Amanda Poole

Option 3 looks good 😄

Mrs jennifer Mccartan

Mrs jennifer Mccartan

I have been waiting on my delivery from the Sunday youes were selling the new high maintenance powder I have none left if its not here by this afternoon I want my full refund as I paid for 3 orders in that one night. The high maintenance powder isn’t very good so far my grandchildren clothes are still stained and I always retreat the stains first before washing my high came last week but still know washing detergent I’m not impressed with the high maintenance vanish works better and it know good without detergent I just want my refund and go back to shop bought even though I don’t want to but this decussing know detergent not happy.



I don’t have a cap preference but it is important to me that there are no drips down the bottle after pouring. Also saw the comment about a fragrance independent reusable bottle – I would like this too as I swap fragrances.

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