The Love Triangle

The Love Triangle

15 April 2024 

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The Love Triangle… Our new theory for making great products for you! 

A few days ago, we showed you four new bottle colours and asked you to decide which product we’re launching next.

The results excited us...

You guys loved the sound of Cocoa Butter Kisses, but when we showed the bottle on its own with no branding, it was the least voted for in our poll.

The opposite was the case for the matcha green bottle. The scent moodboard was the least requested, but the bottle colour was one of the most loved!

So, to make you products you love, we need three elements to connect to make great products: Scent, Name and Bottle Colour (the Love Triangle) 📐💗

So, do you think we nailed these products now? Or do we need more work?! Check out the scents below: 




I think if you had shown the full moodboard you would have had totally different responses.
The bottles standing alone, people will just go for their favourite colours (and not many people would claim brown as a favourite colour…) the second you add visuals and scents to it, the colour is perceived in a different way.

I think you are having some challenges with the names. Why isn’t the peach one called Italian Summers or similar? “Take Me Back” doesn’t mean anything

The issue with the"matcha green" bottle is you described it as matcha which is very marmite. If the bottle had been described as sage green, I believe it would have been viewed more positively. I like the name but again, I would pick something closer to the notes like Secret Orchard.

Cocoa Butter Kisses has been executed the best with name and colour, though could feel more mature.

Laura Joel

Laura Joel

In love with the icing on the cake bottle and vanilla is my fav smell ever so deffo need that in my life 😂

Elizabeth J Jasper

Elizabeth J Jasper

I love vanilla and gourmand scenes so icing on the cake is a dream for me. I like the bottle too. Cocoa butter kisses wouldn’t appeal to me. Take me back definitely would though. I’m a huge wax melt addict so I’ve tried most scents you’ve got in production or development. Keep up the great work.

Mandy Penman

Mandy Penman

PS – I agree with Anita about the white bottle – far too ‘My Little Pony’ and not sophisticated enough. I think earthy brown for the font

Mandy Penman

Mandy Penman

I like all four scent ideas but I love Cocoa Butter fragrance the best.
Colourwise to match my home – farmer’s market in the beautiful sage green.
So these two would be my first choices!

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